Anyone, who talks to me for more than five minutes about babies, will soon hear me talk about breastfeeding and sleepless nights. Do they go hand in hand? I don't know, but one thing I do know is that I have one hungry girl.
She was born 7llb 5oz. In the first 10 days she put on a further 8oz. By the time she was 12 weeks old, she weighed over 12llb. All this was thanks to Mummy milk (yeay me). I'm not just telling you this because I want to big myself up, Im trying to paint the picture of the way my frog feeds.... Constantly! Up until I started the whole food thing, she would feed every two hours, day and night. Occasionally, she would go to three hours, but only after a bottle of formula (yes, I occasionally give her a bottle of the white stuff).
A few of my friends from the NCT had started weaning, but I just felt the frog was too small, too baby like. And I really wanted to hold out for baby led weaning. Then two weeks ago, everything changed. She had changed to hourly feeds through the night, and would cry through the day like she was a newborn again. After another sleepless Saturday night, I woke on a Sunday and decided. Today is the day, she is having baby rice.
A quick trip to the shops and we had it all, baby rice, puree pots, bowls, spoons, even special face wipes (I don't know why babywipes wouldn't do!) By now baby led weaning had gone out of the window. That day, that Sunday, I just knew she was ready, she needed something else. So we started...
Mouthful one never really happened. Mouthful two however, was more interesting, for me and her. As she tried to lap the slodge off the spoon, her body froze. Her expression priceless. If she could speak, she would have said "Oh my goodness.... This is amazing Mummy.. tell your friends... tell everyone.. baby rice is here!" Success.
A week after baby rice, I was stood in the kitchen puree-ing my ass off. So far we have tried, Apple, Butternut Squash, Parsnip, Carrot and Banana ... she loves it. And more to the point Im getting some sleep!!!!! We are still waking once or twice, but hey I can handle that!
We didn't do BLW, I didn't speak to the heath visitor (naughty) we haven't even followed a book. To be honest, Im not really sure what Im doing, but it is making the frog so much more content and she has done some hilarious poo's. I love getting my apron on and making my little freezer pots, so far so good....
I wanted to do BLW because I thought it would be more natural, but as it turns out, Im just following my instincts... What could be more natural than that??
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