Chapter 21 is the name that has been given to this very special chapter in my life.
It is a hidden chapter that is probably the most important there has ever been.
The chapter is hidden to almost everyone, other than Boyf and my closest friends (and anyone reading the blog?!) the chapter was hidden to me until frog arrived. But here she is, and here this is.
I have done well up until now. I owned my own house when I was 21, made and lost money on the property market. I have renovated 4 houses to greater and lesser degrees. I have lived in a flash city centre apartment. I have worked in an elitist part of Greater Manchester Police, facing the discrimination of being young, female and successful. I have spent 8 years working my way up, and am now in a position that people have worked for 20 years to be in. And ......... I am ready to walk away.
People will say I am giving it up and wasting my life. I don't believe that. That element of my life made me strong willed and independently minded. I needed that to be here now. I didn't know that Chapter 21 existed until it was already upon me , so how could I ever have planned for it? One day I will blog about the negative aspects to my job. We all moan about the 20hour shifts and the bureaucracy of the Criminal Justice System, but that is nothing in comparison to the impact it has on your home life.
So Chapter 21 is here. It is my way forward. To put it simply I want to change the world. I have blogged previously about how important birthing is to me and how I truly believe there are realistic changes that could be made in this country to how we approach birth and the choices that are out there when becoming a mother. This will bore many people. Many people will look away now and think that I am being an unrealistic hippy who wants peace and love in the world.
Ha! I just had to laugh at that, because as I was writing it, I realised that is exactly what I want. Peace and love... not for me, or even for the world (although it would be nice) but for that baby only minutes old. And for the mother who bore him / her. Peace and love... well its a start.
Chapter 21 is so important to me. It has engulfed my life, if you dont want to know about it, then don't read my blog. But if for a moment, you think about what you want for your new born baby, and for you, as you look down and see her born, if you believe that in that moment you want peace and love, then read on. That is what I want to bring to you.
So what is Chapter 21? It's about making it happen....