So the frog and me are now three months into our journey and I am starting to feel as if I know what I'm doing a little bit.
This is down to her - not me. She has changed. Up until this point, the frog had a real tough time adjusting to life outside the womb. Suddenly she seems to have accepted the world, no longer does she need to be wrapped and bound before she will sleep, and has started to adopt the starfish position.
At last I can lay her down on her playmat and she will happily play alone, without screaming at 180 decibels.
We still have our problems... we have not perfected breastfeeding or timing or sleeping, but we are getting there... and dare I say it.... The swear word.... The word I hated for the first 10 weeks of her life. The horrible word that is... ROUTINE! Yes people we have adopted a routine.
Despite me hating the word and the question "Have you got her in a routine yet?" I know I can say this with pride. Yes she is in a routine. I am proud of this, because we have not followed a book, or a schedule. I have NEVER done controlled crying and I have done everything at her pace.
So many people told me I was being to soft with her, because I would pick her up when she cried or because I would rock her to sleep, and swaddle her before she was put down. So maybe I was too soft, but for us it worked. The frog trusts me, she knows that I am her mummy and I truly believe she can feel my love.
So, she is an a routine. I could not tell you what she would be doing at 11am or whether I will be late for an appointment. But I know that after she is fed she likes to play, and then she likes a nap. I can read her and she can read me. We know each other and this is what works for us.
I'm so happy that we stuck to our guns and didn't give in to the pressure of 'The Gina Ford Generation' ....So Ms Ford.. I have a very contented little baby and I only have one person to thank for that..
My Frog x
3 months was a great marker for me and little E too. It was like we finally understood eachother a bit more! The knockon effect of this meant that I felt I was rejoining the land of the living and no longer sleepwalking around!