Wednesday, 29 February 2012

February Challenge - Date Night!

So February was valentines. As it goes, that doesn’t mean much in our house... Boyf refuses to celebrate it, and as a result so do I. I don’t want that to sound like I mind though, because I don’t hand on heart, I actually quite like it. I believe in the boyfs morals about why he doesn’t celebrate it, and we do try to display our love for each other throughout the year, so a commercialised day to spend money we haven’t got to keep multi-billionaire card companies in business doesn’t seem right somehow.

So there was no date, no card, no posh food. That doesn’t mean of course that we can’t join in with Living on Love, Lacy’s February Challenge - date night. Do you want to join in the challenge of 2012? You can do so Here

So February was also a difficult month to get out the house as the Boyf’s parents (our childcare) were away on Holiday. This meant that the limited time off that boyf and I have together would also involve a baby frog, which is fine, were all pretty good mates! :-))

Once every five weeks, the boyf and I have a ‘family day together’. It is the only time in a five week period that we have a full weekday off together, so we ALWAYS try to make the most of it. Things have been kinda hard recently, boyf works very long hours, I work four days and am trying to set up a business. So any time off from work I do have is generally spent doing ‘business stuff’. And this month ‘Family Day’ was no exception. 10th Feb, we had to find some locations for me to do my classes, and this was the only realistic day we had to do it, but no matter, I thought, A Family Day it shall be and boyf shall get his date night ;-)

So off we trot in the car, we find two venues which are perfect. I love that boyf and Frog are with me, we pile into each venue, all full of excitement and famliness. We leave (having negotiated an awesome discount on 12 week room hire) bouncing on air, both full of positivity and pride. It occurs to me that it is perfect that this is our family day – after all the whole point of the business is that we are doing it for the family! Having secured our bookings we head into the village to celebrate. I offer to buy us lunch and get a bit carried away, swapping my veggie option to an over sized burger at the last minute. (I regretted that :-s) I sit there feeling very in love with my supportive boyf and very proud of my BLW 10 month old – who is good as gold!

We head home and after the usual routine of afternoon play, bath and bed for frog, I deicide that Date Night shall continue. I have bought in red wine, pizza and garlic bread in preparation. As I want to treat the boyf to a nice relaxing night we choose to watch a boy film, Blade Runner. I’ve never seen it before, it’s bloody brilliant! I love it for many reasons, mainly because it reminds me of the ‘shan-gri-la’ at Glastonbury where the boyf and me had a ball in 2010. As usual it takes us double the time to watch than it should because we have to analyse (or he does) every last detail. I truly love our date night and I feel truly loved.

We may not celebrate Valentines, we may not have, the time, money and freedom of other couples, but what we have is so special, we are best friends, lovers, soul mates. And a simple lunch out, a simple film in can make the perfect day. I want to dedicate this post to my family and thank Lacy for making me write it. xx

Saturday, 28 January 2012

Living on Love - January Challenge

Lovely Lacy from Living on Love has set a challenge...  Every month in 2012 the lovely Lacy will set us a challenge.. something fun to do as a family.

You can join in the challenge Here

Januarys Challenge was to get outdoors and have a free family outing. This was timed perfectly, for my first week back at work. Having quite a tough time adjusting to being away from the frog for 4 days a week, I spent the whole week counting down to Friday when the boyf, froggo and me would be spending the day together.

Just to add the icing on the Friday cake, the weather was bloody perfect. It was one of those cold cold crisp days. The sky was blue and you could see your breath in the air. We as a family decided to wrap up, get out and go to the forest. We had to drive (so I suppose it wasn't completely free) but we loaded up the car with two dogs, one frog, two very happy grown ups, a flask of coffee and a baby carrier.

It was perfect. Thinking about that day brings a tear to my eye, it was so perfect.

We walked and we talked and we walked some more. We breathed fresh air and watched the dogs have the time of their life...

When we found a bench we stopped for a coffee and took pictures of each other in the sunlight...

I'm having a really tough time of adapting to this chapter of my life. I miss my family terribly, I have an aching in my heart when I think of my life at work while other people watch over frog. Other people giving her breakfast, watching her crawl, develop, giggle. I know that it has to be done, and I know things will get easier but for now... Its so tough.

I really needed this day. This perfect wonderful day. the outdoors are available to us at any time, sometime we need a little push to appreciate them. Thank you Lacy, genuinely and whole heartedly, thank you xx