Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Read my blog!!!

So now I have my blog I'm desperate for someone to read it. Otherwise whats the point??

I'v had at least two readers I'm aware of. I became so excited when I looked at Mother Earth this afternoon and saw it had been 'hit' 22 times. Then I realised that every time I looked at it, it was a 'Hit' Doh!

Boyf came home from work, and I ran to the door like an excited puppy... "I got my blog up, come and see, come and see." Que. crying baby, bath, feed, bed. Our dinner and sit down to relax. Boyf tells me all about his day at work, the whole time I'm dying to interrupt him "My blog, my blog, my blog." Finally Grand designs comes on and Boyf shuts up about his day..."blog, blog, blog". It's too late, I've lost him, he's too busy listening to McCloud the blog will have to wait, and so will my third reader.

I've been thinking about the format and realised I'm going to have to blog retrospectively about lot's of things. There were so many anecdotes from my pregnancy, but I have forgotten most. I'll try to get something written down from past, present and future (daydreams) so that readers 1, 2 and eventually 3 can enjoy....

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